Ways Calgary Restaurants Can Reduce Their Water Consumption

Due to a severe water feeder break that occurred on June 5th the City of Calgary is currently operating under stage 4 water restrictions with the City urging individuals and businesses to reduce their water usage.

Here are some ways restaurants in the city can do their part to help reduce their impact.

  1. Bring water to tables upon request and remove water stations if you have them.

  2. Maximize every dishwasher load and use the dishwasher as sparingly as possible.

  3. If you often use the sink sprayer to pre-rinse dishes, consider implementing a two-sink system for soaking and rinsing before you run the dishwasher or use scrapers for food residue.

  4. Reduce your ice consumption and keep bar wells low to avoid refilling your ice machine.

  5. Capture leftover water to be reused for watering outdoor spaces or indoor plants. Harvest rainwater when possible.

  6. Turn off the auto-flush on toilets and, if possible, shorten the run time on automatic sinks - potentially offering hand sanitizer as an alternative.

  7. If you have decorative water features, consider turning them off and avoid using water for purely decorative purposes, such as filling vases or bowls.

  8. If there are any active leaks in your restaurant, try to have them repaired as soon as possible. We love our sponsor, Hardings for this.

  9. Use water-efficient cooking methods: Rather than boiling or simmering in excess water, opt for cooking methods that require less water, such as steaming, braising, or using pressure cookers.

  10. Focus on staff training. Inform staff that excessive water use will not be tolerated. Remind them to turn off faucets when not actively using water during dishwashing, handwashing, or cleaning equipment. Actively involve staff in water conservation efforts, encouraging them to report leaks, suggest improvements, and practice water-saving habits.

Implementing these measures can significantly reduce non-essential water usage in restaurants, contributing to conservation efforts during water emergencies or periods of scarcity. It is imperative that we all do our part to keep YYC restaurants open!


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