fight to extend CEBA until the end of 2024

Step 1: copy this letter below into an email

Dear [ Insert MP’s Name ]

I am writing to express my deep concern about the current repayment terms of the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) and their potential impact on my business and other restaurants.

With the repayment period ending in days, the non-repayable portion is at risk, jeopardizing our businesses.” While CEBA provided crucial support during challenging times, the existing terms impose a heavy burden on restaurant owners already grappling with inflation and rising operational costs.  In a recent survey of our members, almost 80% of respondents said that these loan repayments were a major issue to them.

We firmly believe that restaurants, cafés, and bars constitute the heart of our communities. Without changes to this deadline, it is estimated that up to 20% of establishments may face permanent closure, disproportionately affecting local operators and rural communities.

Our request is simple: additional time, not handouts. I appreciate your prompt attention to this critical matter.


[ Insert Name & Business Name Here ]

step 2: find your mp from the list below and add their information and yours to the email.

step 3: hit send

Your voice matters! Extending CEBA till the end of 2024 is important to so many members of the hospitality industry! Speak up today.


Press Release: CEBA Repayment Deadline


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